A thee-step quality check for qualitative research method
Azher Hameed Qamar, Ph.D (www.drazher.com)
Hello everyone. Today I am going to provide very useful information that you must know when you are writing your method chapter in qualitative research. This is a three-step quality check, each of them includes some important points or you can say check-list that you must focus. Let us begin with the first step.
First step is to check your sampling technique or strategy. Check if you have provided the following information related to your sampling technique.
1st point is, You have clearly informed about what type or types of sampling strategy you are using, for example,. Is it purposive, convenient, snow ball sampling, homogenous, heterogenous, maximum variation sample etc. This is important to disclose so that reader can understand right in the beginning how you plan to approach your participants in the study.
Second is, have you provided the inclusion criteria, that includes specific demographic information and other important information about who will be included this study. Sometimes, you may also need to provide exclusion criteria, for example if there is a condition that can restrict someone's participation in the study, you should mention it in the exclusion criteria. Remember, your inclusion criteria helps you to identify the potential participants.
Third point is, sample size. You should know how many participants you need, and why do you think that this sample size is sufficient for your study. Sometimes if you have a small sample size, you need to elaborate why it is small. For example, you are doing a phenomenological study, or it is a case study, then you can argue about the small sample size. Sometimes, the topic was so sensitive that you were not able to find more participants, then you need to explain the sensitivity and the challenges that you face to get more participants. Also you should provide as much possible information about the small sample characteristics that can help the readers to get the details about the participants. However, do not compromise the ethical considerations regarding anonymity and privacy of the participants.
Fourth, how do you reach and access the participants. Try to provide the specific details, for example, if you are accessing participants through an organizations, who will be the gate keepers. If your participants are children, then how will you access them, who will be the responsible person who will give you access and who will decide about their participation. If you are reaching your participants through your field visits, then provide the details how it will work to reach participants.
Fifth point is, that what are the ethical considerations that you will focus when recruiting and interviewing the participants. How will you make sure to protect their identity, privacy, and anonymity in the research. How will you seek the informed consent and how will you help them to learn about their rights to withdraw or participate without any conditions.
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